Welcome Mark Manson Readers!

(above: me hanging with my niece and nephew)
Thank you for taking the time to read about my story on Mark Manson's blog, and thank you for checking out my site! In return for your time, I'm taking the time to write you this personalized introduction to my website.
As I wrote in my guest post, I've always been intrigued by the relationship between language-learning and personal development. Language is at the root of everything we do - from how we interact with others, to how we think through problems, to how we self-identify.
That's why it can be very useful and generally interesting to better understand this fundamental and universal element of humanity.
I’m usually blogging frequently - I’m confident that you will find interesting whether you are interested in learning a foreign language or not, as it will make you rethink the way we communicate with each other. This communication is affected by pronunciation and accent more than you think.
Click the button below to see more of what The Mimic Method is about.