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Hello Friend!
First off, can I just say that you’re awesome? The fact that you are taking the time to look into a course on French pronunciation speaks volumes.
Most French learners completely skip pronunciation training. There are two reasons for this:
- They don’t understand why training French pronunciation is important.
- They don’t not know how to train French pronunciation.
Since you are reading this, you are obviously wise enough to appreciate the “why” of French pronunciation training. But you may still struggle with the “how.”
That’s where I come in.
The main reason why is because they don’t know how to train French Pronunciation.
Your teacher can tell you “this sounds wrong.” But they won’t be able to tell you how to fix it. You won’t be able to hear how you are doing it wrong. And even if you could, you still don’t know what you need to do.
You can’t learn French pronunciation without direction. That’s where I come in.
I will show you exactly how to perfect your pronunciation so that you can speak French WITHOUT sounding like a foreigner.
Who am I, and why should you listen to what I have to say about French?
My name is Idahosa (pronounced ee-DOW-ssah) and I am fluent in six languages. My accent in French is so good that I can even trick native speakers into thinking that I’m one of them.
The secret to my language learning success is in my obsession with pronunciation. Pronunciation is the key to becoming fluent in French.
Do you have a problem with French conversation?
- Do you have a hard time understanding French people when they talk fast?
- Do people have a hard time understanding you because your pronunciation is so off?
- Do you have a hard time remembering new words and phrases unless someone writes them down for you?
- Do you have a hard time remembering the tones of these new words?
- Do you always feel embarrassed to speak French because of your foreign accent?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, let me ask you this: “How much time and energy have you invested in French pronunciation training?"
Most likely you have invested little. I don’t blame you for this - perhaps you had no idea where to start until you found this website.
But I guarantee that if you focus on French pronunciation now, you will start to feel your French learning pains fade away within a week.
- You will start to tune into the nuances of French sound and recognize more words in fast speech.
- Your tongue and lips will start to loosen up and the words will flow out naturally.
- You will start to recognize sound patterns and remember new words and expressions faster.
- You will start to impress native speakers with your more authentic accent.
Pronunciation First,
Everything Else Second
No matter what the packaging is, all of the traditional approaches teach literacy first, pronunciation last.
French literacy is of course a useful skill, but you have to ask yourself this question at some point:
“Is my goal to read French newspapers or to communicate with French people in real-life conversations?”
If your goal is to fluently communicate with French people, then the traditional approach will fail you.
Think about it – when was the last time you heard this conversation?
“Wow John you speak French so well! How did you become so fluent?”
“Rosetta Stone, baby!”
The key to becoming conversationally fluent in French is to focus on French pronunciation first, everything else second.
You are on a plane headed for Paris and the flight attendant makes an announcement in French. Then you repeat the announcement out loud to yourself with perfect pronunciation.
“Attachez vos ceintures de sécurité s’il vous plaît!”
Even though you can mimic the phrase with perfect intonation, you have no idea what it means.
How’s this possible? Because before you dove into French vocabulary, grammar and writing, you took the time to prime your ears, mouth and brain to French sounds.
In other words, you focused on pronunciation first, everything else second.
The flight attendant makes the exact same announcement later on in the flight. But this time you notice how everyone starts to buckle their seatbelt as soon as she says it.
That’s how you figure out what it means – “Please buckle your seatbelt!”
The pronunciation of the phrase came first, then the meaning came second.
Fast forward 2 days later. You are stepping into a taxi with your new local friend – Elise. She wants to take you to her favorite restaurant for French cuisine.
The taxi starts to move forward, and you notice that she has still not buckled her seatbelt. She is giving the taxi driver directions and must have forgotten.
Recalling your experience on the airplane, you say to her:
“Elise, attaches ta ceinture de sécurité!”
She stops mid-sentence, turns to you, and stares at you in shock.
"I thought you didn’t speak French!"
Your pronunciation was so good that she thought you were already fluent. You laugh and think to yourself:
“I guess I’ll just have to get used to this sort of reaction…”
In this course you will learn how to pronounce phrases with a perfect accent before you know what they mean.
You might be wondering:
“What’s the point of knowing how to pronounce something if you don’t know what it means?”
As you saw in the story above, it’s not too difficult to learn what something means after the fact. You just need to pay attention.
The real challenge is learning how to pronounce that something in the first place. But I like to flip the question:
“What’s the point of knowing what something means if you don’t know how to pronounce it?”
You can learn to read and write the phrase “buckle your seatbelt” but if you can’t properly pronounce it then people won’t understand you.
If your goal is to communicate with real French speakers...
focus on pronunciation first & everything else second.
Common French Mistakes
If you are already making these common French learning mistakes, then it is time for you to try The Flow of French.
You use the written word as a crutch:
Most people begin learning to read and write in French. This makes you reliant on visual media to learn new things in French. By using the written word as a crutch, you deny your ears the opportunity to adapt to the sounds of French.
You obsess over grammar:
Grammar is important, but do you really need to memorize all those charts and technical terms? Do you think French people know all that high level grammar stuff? How is it that a child or uneducated person can speak English fluently without ever knowing what a “preposition” is?
You have a habit of pronouncing everything as if in English:
I get it – French pronunciation is hard and no one showed you how to do it properly before, so you just default to English pronunciation because it’s easier. Problem is that you are now reinforcing bad muscle habits that take a lot of extra work to correct. You can reverse these bad habits but the more you build them the longer it will take you to fix them.
You always translate in your head:
Being fluent in French means you will think in French – you shouldn’t be translating English in your head. The only way to develop this skill to speak without thinking is to build a habit of mimicking.
You speak word for word:
French people never speak French word for word. Instead, they blend words together naturally into larger phrases. This is the same for English and every other language.
The sooner you reverse these mistakes, the faster you will achieve your goal of reaching French fluency.
How to save yourself thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours
Let me share with you how I came up with the idea of making a French pronunciation course.
Before learning French, I had already learned two other romance languages: Spanish and Portuguese. And since I am American, I speak English fluently as well.
With my knowledge of English and two romance languages, it was not too difficult for me to read French. Once you learn some basic grammar words, everything else looks the same on paper.
But French sounds nothing like Spanish, English or Portuguese in its pronunciation.
I knew the key to mastering French conversation would be to master French pronunciation. Learning how to pronounce words in French was extremely challenging because French grammar is complex.
French words with the exact same pronunciation will often have completely different spelling. This means you will learn new words from reading them completely wrong in your head without realizing it.
For example, “parle, parles and parlent” all sounding different in my head. But then when I heard people speak, they pronounced it all the same. If these words sound the same, why are they spelled different?
I already learned the value of “pronunciation first, everything else second” through my other languages. But after getting a headache just looking at French writing for a day, I knew that this approach was going to be REALLY true for French.
Then, I started memorizing French song lyrics, trying my best to master their pronunciation. Soon I was able to hone in on the basic flow of the French language.
Once I had the Flow down, I moved to Montreal, Quebéc to immerse myself in a Francophone environment.
I learned several varieties of French while living in the most diverse Francophone city of the world – Montreal. What is interesting about Montreal is that it is a city of immigrants. So I exposed myself to every type of French accent.
After a few months of mimicking the people, I became conversationally fluent. Now I speak French all the time with many types of Francophones in my travels.
I was able to achieve fluency fast because I learned the pronunciation ahead of time.
You would never know this by looking at the writing system, but French pronunciation is pretty straightforward. There are only a few sounds that exist outside of English that you can learn with focused training.
The problem is that French writing can be deceiving. EVERYONE who studies French focuses first on the writing. Most of the French pronunciation errors I hear are from people seeing the word written in their head.
That’s why I decided to make a French Program that focuses only on pronunciation and no written French to distract you.
I went through the experience of figuring all this stuff out on my own, and I can tell you that it was A LOT of hard work. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through that…
Introducing The Flow of French
The Flow of French is unlike any other French learning program that has ever existed. In other programs, you focus on memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary lists. You don’t do any of that in The Flow of French.
Actually, it’s better that you do not think of The Flow of French like like a normal language course at all. Think of it more like a Q-tip, Yoga Class and Software Update:
The Q-Tip for your French Ears.
It will swab out the “interference” of your native language so you can hear French sounds more clearly.
The Yoga Class for your French Mouth.
It will stretch out your lips and strengthen your tongue so you can articulate French sounds effortlessly.
The Software Update for your French brain.
It will re-format the language centers in your brain so that you can absorb new French words and expressions naturally.
It took me several years of building, testing and tweaking to perfect the process of French pronunciation training. Luckily, you don’t have to go through all that trouble at all.
All you need to do is follow the instructions in the course modules and you will master French pronunciation in a matter of weeks.
Since releasing this course, I have helped thousands individuals from around the world master their pronunciation in French and other languages. You can do the same.
How the Training Works
The video below explains my other course, The Flow of English. It is structured similarly to The Flow of French.

Familiarize yourself with the core sounds of French and teach yourself the basics of "tuning" your ear and mouth to those sounds.

song training
Learning to sing & mimic French song is everyone's favorite part of the course. The process of articulating these lyrics tunes your ears, brain and mouth to the sounds of French.

We listen to your recordings to pinpoint the exact sounds you mispronounce, then tell you exactly what you need to do with your mouth to fix the error.

Through a process of "re-tuning", I will help you rapidly eradicate pronunciation weaknesses and sharpen your French ears, mouth and brain.
Example Flow Training Session
Here’s another example of how the training works. After each lesson, should be able to repeat these lyrics with perfect pronunciation.
Start with the Rhythm
First, you will chant along with the track below to ingrain the core rhythm into your auditory memory.
Pronounce the Syllables
Once you have the rhythm down, your next task is to make sure you can pronounce each syllable. When you take the course, we do an audit of every single French syllable to make sure you can pronounce each one perfectly.
Build Your Capacity
The next step is to combine the syllables and rhythm. We do it this way so you can focus on one piece of the puzzle at a time. Listen closely to the track below and repeat after me.
Put It All Back Together
Finally, we can practice chanting along with the original artist at slow speed. Sing along with the track below to see how you do.
This song-training system is extremely effective at developing the pronunciation skills you need to mimic French. We use song is because learning these new motor skills requires a lot of repetition and music is the only context repetition is actually fun.
But like anything else, you will inevitably miss a few details. That’s where I come in.
I stumbled across Idahosa & The Mimic Method years ago when he was just getting off the ground.
This course is the BEST THING I have come across for language acquisition. This is the place to start.
Not with grammar or vocabulary but with sounds and flow. Train your muscles to produce the new sounds and your ears to hear them before you do anything else. I was able to assimilate and understand native speech, which is how I eventually attained fluency.
Even for someone who already has a decent accent, this course can help resolve some of your sticking points with particular sounds. That’s what it did for me and my French. You can truly and literally come out of this speaking like a native.

Flow of French Student
7 Reasons The Flow of French Can Work For You
Why would you want to start the Flow of French right away? Here are just a few reasons:
1) Resolve all your unanswered questions about French pronunciation
Have you ever had this frustrating experience: you say a word in French and a native speaker tells you that you are pronouncing it wrong? But you can’t hear the difference between what you are doing and what he is doing.
You ask him to explain, but his answer doesn’t make any sense: “You gotta open your throat more. You know… it’s like a more happy type of sound.”
Here’s the truth – no one has any idea what they are talking about when it comes to pronunciation. It requires many years of study and hands on experience speaking many languages.
But after you go through the first unit of The Flow of French, you will have several “aha!” moments and finally understand exactly what’s going on in the mouths of French speakers. And of course you can always ask me specific questions throughout the training process.
2) Identify the fundamental sounds that you struggle with the most
The first thing you do in the Flow of French is submit a recording of yourself saying every French sound. Then I will tell you which sounds you are mispronouncing.
These will be the sounds that your ears, mouth and brain have not adapted to yet. These are your personal French sticking points that no one ever pointed out to you before. As soon as you know them, you will be able to narrow your energy toward fixing them. Curious to find out what your sticking points are?
3) Get some emotional support from a real human being
I’m a cool guy, I promise! I am personally invested in your French development and won’t be satisfied until you get everything perfect. I can be tough and make you practice something over and over again until you get it right – but once you do you’ll be more than thankful. Sometimes all it takes is a little support from a real human being to help you get through the steepest learning curves.
4) Learn some catchy French songs to impress your friends with
For the most part, music is just a tool for us to help you master pronunciation the fastest way possible, but there’s cultural value as well. After you learn the first few song lyrics you will discover the joy of being truly involved in a foreign culture. It’s no longer just academic stuff – you know the music! I guarantee that your French friends will be thoroughly impressed 🙂
5) Unblock your French ear canal
After a week of training, you will start to notice that French will sound different to you. If you hear natives speaking in the street or listen to French TV or radio, you will start to recognize all the fundamental sounds you trained.
Before taking this course, your ear will not be open to French sounds – but this training program will immediately unclog those sound pipes. The words you know will become more clear to you, and the ones you don’t know yet will be more memorable.
6) Boost your speaking confidence
Does your accent make you nervous about speaking French? When you’re nervous you end up speaking worse, and the worse you speak the more nervous you get. It’s a vicious cycle. Choosing NOT to speak up in situations is the worst thing ever because speaking is the ONLY way to fluency.
Once you improve your pronunciation, your words will flow and sound more authentic. Imagine not worrying about people judging you for your thick accent or excessive stuttering and mumbling. That boost in confidence is exactly what you need to speak more and speed up your progress toward French fluency.
Guaranteed Results
If you go through the the Flow of French, here’s what I’ll promise you:
Guarantee #1: No Gimmicks
“Learn French with music? Is this just some sort of gimmick?”
I know other programs that talk about “the magic of music for language learning,” but they’re just all fluff. The Flow of French is thorough and pragmatic.
Guarantee #2: Your brain will wrinkle
The first thing you will notice is that the training is challenging. You will not casually read or listen to things. Rather, you will be forcing your ear and mouth to adapt to new sounds and commit sequences to your auditory memory – not easy!
If you work through the challenge, your brain will reshape. You’ll feel your growth the next day after you give your brain time to grow with a full night of sleep.
Guarantee #3: No Deadlocks
Yes, each lesson will have its own challenges. But I designed the lessons to take no more than 30 minutes or so.
The lessons also get progressively more intensive over time. This way, you can gradually build confidence and fundamental hearing and speaking abilities as you move along. It’s designed for you to NOT get stuck forever.
Guarantee #4: You will have fun
The addictive power of the song training is beyond even my comprehension. Our brains are wired to enjoy any activity involving music and language and that is exactly what this course provides you.
No more boring text book reading, let’s really learn French at the source. Because at the end of the day, all language is really comes down to sound.
Guarantee #5: You will Notice Drastic Improvements
The Flow of French is unlike any other French course that has ever existed on the web. Most people expect a textbook with vocabulary and grammar drills. They don’t know what to make of The Flow of French training program when they hear about it.
They think: “If I’m not studying vocabulary and grammar, then what could I be learning?”
I can never truly communicate the feeling to you in writing. The only way to understand is to do the training yourself and feel the results.
That’s why I am absolutely confident in giving you a better than 100% money back guarantee. If at any time you are not satisfied with the training in these 60 days, just send me an email and I’ll refund you your order (no questions asked).
The handful of returns I have given have all been from people who never tried a single lesson. They were turned off by the challenge and couldn’t understand the value of working through it.
Those that did work through it have all had nothing but the highest praise to give.
So take advantage of my 60 Day Guarantee and start mastering French pronunciation today with The Flow of French.
Is it even possible for you to lose in this scenario?
The Most Affordable French Training on the Web
The Flow of French is dirt cheap compared to alternative that offer not even half of the value.
You could hire a private French tutor to meet with you in person. That will run you at least $20 an hour, and as much as $50 an hour if you want anyone who knows anything about French! Never mind that you’ll have to mull over what you’ve learned in your sessions and then try it again later.
Given my expertise, I could easily charge over $100 an hour training high level executive in French and the my other five languages, but I was never interested in that.
I created my system so that I would be able to train as many people as possible in a way that was convenient for both of us. The profit motive has always been secondary to my vision to change the way the world thinks about language.
There’s no need to use hundreds of dollars a month for private tutoring – because I’ve set the price at as low as I can. Plus, you will receive any and all future updates to the program for free, forever.
That’s right, this isn’t a subscription. It’s a once-off flat fee that gives you access to any and all future updates that we make to The Flow of French.
Is This Really For Me?
I get it – you’re not sure if The Flow of French is going to help you.
Because The Flow of French has worked for many people, rather than tell you who it is for, let me tell you who it is not for. If one of the below is NOT you – then The Flow of French will work for you. I’ll tell you who The Flow of French is NOT for:
Someone who is convinced that French pronunciation is NOT that important
I have met a few people who resist the idea that mastering pronunciation is the most fundamental step to mastering a foreign language. These are people who have convinced themselves that they are “tone deaf” and thus had to solidify themselves into language learning myths of “visual learning.”
What these people don’t realize is that the reason they struggle with pronunciation is NOT because they are tone deaf; it’s because they never had proper training. The Flow of French would give them what they need, but if you are too stuck in your ways you will never find that out.
Someone who is not willing to work through a challenge
As I’ve mentioned before, Flow Training requires a lot of mental energy and focus. It’s like weight training for the ear, brain and mouth. Every human being is capable of lifting weights and increasing weight as their muscles grow, but only some people are willing to put in the work.
If you are still searching for the non-existent “easy path” to French, this course is not for you.
Someone who refuses to accept that they are NOT actually Tone Deaf
Tone deafness is a pathological condition that only affects 1% of the population. Funny enough, over 60% of people self-report themselves as “tone deaf” in surveys.
Tone deafness means you are physiologically incapable of processing certain nuances of sound. The 60% of people who claim to be tone deaf are really just saying that because they haven’t trained their voices to sing. That’s like saying “I am genetically incapable of riding a bicycle” after only trying a few times and falling.
If you refuse to accept the fact that you CAN master French pronunciation with hard work and proper training, then then this course is not for you.
Someone who is simply unsure if this is for them
We love all our customers, but it goes both ways – we want our customers to enjoy and use their training too. If you are unsure about The Flow of French, please don’t buy it yet.
Someone Looking for a vocabulary and grammar course
Just to be clear, you do not learn any vocabulary or grammar in this course. You can easily find that anywhere else on the web. In the Flow of French we focus on the essential skill that you won’t get anywhere else – the ability to hear, correctly pronounce and mimic native French speakers.
Common Questions about The Flow of French
Q: Can I take this course as a complete beginner?
Intermediate and Advanced speakers will definitely have more “aha!” moments as they realize all the things that they learned wrong in the past, but I honestly believe that pure beginners have the most to gain. If you focus on French pronunciation first, you are priming your brain to acquire French as quickly and efficiently as possible. You are also saving yourself the trouble of unlearning the mistakes that advanced speakers picked up while learning with the wrong sounds.
Q: How Long Does Training Take?
If you train 5 days a week, you will complete this course in 6 weeks. Most people take around 8-12 weeks to complete the course.
Q: Do I have to train every day? Do I have to start right away?
The Flow of French is self-paced. You can start whenever you want and go through the materials at whatever speed you like. I will only give you feedback when you submit a recording. That can be every day or once a week. It is all based on your schedule and convenience.
Q: Will I learn any vocabulary or grammar?
In each unit there is a “Mimicry & Meaning” section. In it, you practice mimicking a native speaker saying the phrases normally without singing. Once you can mimic, you will then learn what the phrases mean. This will be the only time that you will learn any vocabulary or grammar in the course.
Q: Can I do this course on all my devices?
All the materials of this course are accessible via your computer, tablet or smartphone. However, iPhone/iPad are the only devices that are not currently supported by our feedback system. Despite that, you should use your computer for the best experience.
Q: Which French Accent Will I Learn?
In this course you will learn the most neutral accent of French. At the end, your speech should be easy to speak and understand no matter where you are on the planet.
Further, although there are several different accents in French, they all draw from the same group of fundamental sounds.
After completing this course, you will have a command of all these sounds. It is only then that I recommend you adapt to the accent of whichever group of French speakers you wish to connect with.
I don't learn languages, I learn people - and people connect through sound. Whether you are a complete beginner or have been learning French for years, my hope is to welcome you as a Mimic Method student soon.
Keep on Flowin!

Founder of The Mimic Method