/x/ – Voiceless Velar Fricative



  • Place of Articulation: Velar
  • Manner of Articulation: Fricative
  • Phonation: Voiceless

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Note: In some dialects it is replaced with the /h/ sound instead. The /x/ sound occurs at the same place that the /k/ sound occurs. It is the sound that most people do when imitating the hiss of a cat or the breathing of Darth Vader. Listen below and try to imitate my speech.

1. Build Awareness

ojo [o̞.xo̞], dije [d̪i.xe̞], viejo [βie̞.xo̞], baja [bä.xä], gente [xe̞n̪.t̪e̞], dijiste [d̪i.xis.t̪e̞], ajo [ä.xo̞], mujer [mu.xe̞&], jota [xo̞.t̪ä], caja [kä.xä]