/l/ – Voiced Alveolar Lateral Approximant
- Place of Articulation: Alveolar
- Manner of Articulation: Lateral-Approximant
- Phonation: Voiced
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English actually has two “L” sounds: the “dark L” and the “True L.” In Spanish, there is only the “True L.” A common tendency for English speakers is to use both as if they were speaking English.
Some tips for this consonant:
- Keep the same speed when going up and down (la/al, li/il)
- Exaggerate by having your jaw as low as possible
- Give more love to the consonant, dwell on the /l/ sound
1. Build Awareness
lo [lo̞], hola [o̞.lä], el [e̞l], les [le̞s], selección [se̞.le̞k.sio̞n̪], blano [bläŋ.ko̞], lampa [läm.pä], latitud [lä.t̪i.t̪ud̪], león [le̞.o̞n̪], local [lo̞.käl]