/u/ – Close Back Rounded Vowel
- Tongue Position: Back
- Nasality: Oral
- Roundedness: Rounded
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This sound has the exact same tongue position as the vowel sound in the English word "who", "shoe", "two", "zoo." When this sound occurs in Spanish, it is shorter in length than in English. Typically, this sound is rounded in English, meaning you will curl your lips at the end of the sound. Rounding does NOT occur in Spanish.
un [un̪], sus [sus], tus [t̪us], única [u.n̪i.kä], uña [uɲä], tuna [t̪u.n̪ä], azul [ä.sul], umo [u.mo̞], cumbia [kum.bjä], uno [u.n̪o̞]