Step 2 of 5:
How to Enable Feedback Notifications
This part is very important if you want to know when we give you feedback!
1 – Open Notification Settings
1. Once logged into Soundcloud, go to the “…” icon on the top-right of the page.
2. Click on “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
3. On the next page, click on the “Notifications” tab.
Note: On mobile devices, go to “…” > Notification Settings.

2 – Enable Notifications For Soundcloud Comments
1. In the “Notifications” tab, navigate to where it says “Comment on your post.”
2. Tick the check-boxes related to this notification type.
3. On the bottom of the page, click “Save Changes.”
Note: If you like, you can also click “Enable Desktop Notifications” to get notifications sent directly to your laptop.