Step 4 of 5:
How to Email Your Recording Link
For best results, do these steps on a laptop computer with a working internet connection.
1 – Go To Your Recording
- Navigate to your recording by clicking on Profile in the top right of your Soundcloud Account
- On the next page, navigate to the Tracks tab.

2 – Get Your Recording Share Link
- Under your recording, click the Share button.
- Highlight & Copy (ctrl+c)/(cmd+c) your Share Link.

3 – Open Your Email Client
- In a new browser tab, open the page you use to send emails (Email Clients – Gmail, Outlook, iMail, Yahoo, Aol, Hotmail).
- Compose a new message.
- Make the recipient of the email based on the course you are in:
Flow of Spanish =
Flow of English =
Flow of French =
Flow of Portuguese =
Flow of Mandarin =
Note: You’ll want to make sure you send your recording link through your email client, NOT through Soundcloud. Otherwise we will not receive it.

3 – Send Your Private Link
- Place the Lesson Title and Your Name into the subject line.
- Place the Soundcloud Share Link into the email body.
- Click Send.
Note: Do not send your link as a file attachment. Simply place your link as text in your email. After sending your link, do not change the title of your Soundcloud Recording (it will change the link).